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Miracles of Lord Krishna: Mysterious, Unique and Interesting Incidents

Miracles of Lord Krishna: Mysterious, Unique and Interesting Incidents

Lord Krishna, who is believed to be the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, performed numerous miracles in his life that revealed his divine nature. These miracles not only reflect his unique personality but also teach us important lessons of dharma, morality and love. Let us take a look at some of the major miracles of Lord Krishna in an interesting way:

Miracles of Lord Krishna
Miracles of Lord Krishna

1. Killing Putana:

After the birth of Balkrishna, Kansa sent the demoness Putana to kill him. Putana disguised herself as a beautiful woman and tried to feed Krishna milk in which she had mixed poison. But, Krishna sucked out Putana's life force while drinking her milk and killed her. This incident made it clear that Krishna was not an ordinary child but was endowed with divine power.

2. Lifting Govardhan Parvat:

In Gokul, to escape the wrath of Lord Indra, Krishna lifted the Govardhan Parvat on his little finger and protected the entire village from torrential rain for seven days. This miracle was a symbol of His divine power and love, by which He kept all the villagers safe.

3. Suppression of Kaliya Naag:

A poisonous snake named Kaliya lived in the Yamuna river, which had poisoned the water. Shri Krishna defeated the snake with His leela and forced it to leave the river. This miracle purified the Yamuna river again and freed the villagers from fear.

4. Leela of stealing butter:

During his childhood, Shri Krishna used to perform leela of stealing butter with his mother Yashoda. One day, Yashoda caught Krishna stealing butter and tried to see the butter in his mouth. But, when he opened his mouth, Yashoda saw the entire universe in it. This miracle made Yashoda realize the divinity of Shri Krishna.

5. Disrobing Draupadi:

During the Mahabharata, during the attempt to disrobe Draupadi, she called out to Lord Krishna. To protect her, Krishna miraculously extended her sari infinitely, thereby securing Draupadi's honour. This incident is an example of His unparalleled power and His true love for His devotees.

6. Darshan of Virat Roop to Arjuna:

During the Kurukshetra war, when Arjuna refused to fight the war due to confusion between Dharma and Adharma, Shri Krishna showed him His Virat Roop. In this form, Arjuna saw the entire universe contained within Krishna. This miracle shows the omnipresent and omnipotent nature of Shri Krishna.

7. Bringing back Sandipani Muni's Dead son:

 Sri Krishna and Balram received education from their guru Sandipani Muni. As Gurudakshina, they pledged to bring back the sage's dead son from Yamaloka. They communicated with Yamraj and revived the sage's son and handed him over to their guru. This miracle presented a unique example of their guru bhakti and power.

8. Miracles at Duryodhana’s Banquet:

 Before the war of Mahabharata, Duryodhana invited Shri Krishna to a special banquet. Shri Krishna refused to eat the food and went to eat at his simple friend Vidur’s house. At Duryodhana’s banquet, he made everyone invisible with his divine leela, which made Duryodhana realize that Krishna cannot be influenced by illusion and pretense.

Miracles of Lord Krishna: Mysterious, Unique and Interesting Incidents

The miracles of Lord Krishna are a symbol of His divinity, power, and love. He gave the message of Dharma, justice, and devotion through His miracles. These incidents of His life teach us that we can overcome any obstacle by following the path of true love, devotion, and Dharma. The miracles of Shri Krishna inspire us even today and motivate us to sing His glories.


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