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Krishna Leelas, Krishna Facts, Mysteries, Miracles : Janmashtami 2024

Krishna Leelas, Krishna Facts, Krishna Mysteries, Krishna Miracles

Krishna Janmashtami 2024: A Special Festival

 Krishna Janmashtami is a major Hindu festival celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Krishna. The festival is celebrated every year on the Ashtami Tithi of the Bhadrapada month. This year, Krishna Janmashtami in 2024 will be celebrated on August 26.

Krishna Janmashtami 2024
Krishna Janmashtami 2024

 Lord Krishna was born in the prison of Mathura, where his parents, Vasudev and Devaki, were suffering from the atrocities of Kansa. Lord Krishna was born at midnight on the Ashtami Tithi, when there was darkness all around. At the time of his birth, Devaki and Vasudev received divine sight, from which they came to know that their son would end all the sufferings of the world.

 On the eve of Krishna Janmashtami, devotees observe fast and stay awake all night. Special prayers are offered in temples and tableaus of Lord Krishna are decorated. On this day, devotees also organize 'Dahi Handi', in which people try to break a pot, which is hung at a height. This game reminds of Krishna's childhood pastimes, when he used to steal butter with the cowherds.

 On the day of Krishna Janmashtami, idols of Lord Krishna are put on swings in temples and homes. Devotees observe fast and celebrate the time of the Lord's birth specially at night. Various religious programs are organized on this occasion, which include kirtans, bhajans and dances. Important events of Krishna's life are staged, which is called 'Rasleela'. This drama depicts the childhood of Lord Krishna and his amazing exploits.

 The festival of Krishna Janmashtami in 2024 holds a special significance. This year special events have been planned in most of the temples. Preparations are also being made to celebrate this festival on a large scale through social media, so that more and more people can praise the glory of Lord Krishna. This will be the first occasion after the Corona epidemic when people will be able to visit temples and participate in mass events without any restrictions.

 The teachings of Shri Krishna have special significance in our lives. The teachings he gave in the Bhagavad Gita are still relevant today. In the Gita, Shri Krishna gave the message of karma, devotion, and knowledge to Arjuna. He taught that we should do our work without worrying about the result. Shri Krishna taught to have a positive attitude towards life and told that self-restraint and self-knowledge are the main pillars of success in life.

 The festival of Krishna Janmashtami teaches us that truth and religion always win. On this festival, we all should unite and follow the ideals of Lord Krishna and spread love, peace, and goodwill in the society.

Many forms of Lord Krishna are worshiped during this festival. The deeds of Shri Krishna as Makhanchor, Gopal, Vasudev, and Murlidhar are remembered. In his various forms, Lord Krishna established Dharma and destroyed Adharma. Through this festival, we can understand the message of his eternal love, compassion, and sacrifice.

 Krishna Janmashtami 2024: A Special Festival

The festival of Krishna Janmashtami in 2024 will be celebrated with great enthusiasm and pomp. Special decorations will be done in the temples, which will include flower garlands, lights, and colorful tableaux. Devotees will participate in song, music and dance to celebrate the birth of the Lord. On this festival, there will be an atmosphere of joy and happiness in every home, and we all will celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna together.

This holy festival of Krishna Janmashtami inspires us to follow the path of truth, religion, and morality in life. By adopting the teachings of Lord Krishna, we can make our lives successful and meaningful. Let us, on this Krishna Janmashtami, let us all offer our devotion at the feet of Lord Shri Krishna and enlighten our lives with his blessings.

Interesting mysteries and facts related to the birth of Lord Krishna

Interesting Facts Mysteries of Krishna's Birth
Interesting Facts Mysteries of Krishna's Birth

The birth of Lord Krishna is a unique and mysterious event, about which many interesting facts and stories are prevalent. Let us take a look at some of the major mysteries and facts related to his birth:

1. Divine prophecy:

Before the birth of Shri Krishna, his parents Vasudev and Devaki were informed by Akashvani that King Kansa of Mathura would be destroyed at the hands of their eighth son. This prophecy frightened Kansa and he imprisoned Devaki and Vasudev.

2. Miraculous birth:

Lord Krishna was born on the Ashtami date of Bhadrapada month at midnight. At the time of his birth, all the doors of the prison opened automatically and the shackles of his parents broke. This incident was an indication that the birth of the Lord was a divine event.

3. Birthplace:

Lord Krishna was born in the prison of Mathura, which is today known as Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple. This place is one of the important pilgrimage sites of Hinduism, where millions of devotees come every year for darshan.

4. Miracle at birth:

At the time of Krishna's birth, his father Vasudev decided to take him to Yashoda and Nand Baba's house in Nandgaon. When Vasudev was carrying Krishna, the Yamuna river lowered its water level and made way, allowing Vasudev to cross safely.

5. Protection of the serpent god:

When Vasudev was crossing the Yamuna river by placing Krishna in a basket, it started raining heavily. At that time Sheshnag came and spread his hood over Vasudev and child Krishna and protected them from the rain.

6. Mother Yashoda's unique love:

On reaching Nandgaon, Vasudev handed over Krishna to Yashoda and Nand Baba. Yashoda raised Krishna as her son and gave him immense love and affection. Yashoda's love and devotion towards Shri Krishna is still a source of inspiration for devotees.

7. Child Leelas:

Lord Krishna performed many wonderful leelas in his childhood, which are proof of his divine nature. Stealing butter, Raasleela with the gopis, and killing the demons sent by Kansa are some of his major child leelas.

8. End of Kansa:

The main purpose of Krishna's birth was to end Kansa. He went to Mathura in his youth and defeated Kansa and freed his parents from prison. This incident freed the people of Mathura from oppression and established Dharma.

9. Naming of Krishna:

Sri Krishna was named by his father Vasudev's guru Gargacharya. He named him "Krishna", which means "one who attracts everyone". This name reflects his attractive personality and divine qualities.

10. Omnipresence:

Sri Krishna proved in his life that he is omnipresent and omnipotent. While preaching the Gita to his friend Arjun, he showed him the Virat Roop, in which the entire universe appeared to be contained within him.

Interesting mysteries and facts related to the birth of Lord Krishna

The birth of Lord Krishna and the mysteries and facts related to his life reveal his divinity and greatness. His deeds and teachings inspire us even today for the guidance of life. The festival of Krishna Janmashtami gives us an opportunity to remember these mysteries and facts, so that we can make spiritual progress by adopting his ideals in our lives.


Miracles of Lord Krishna: Unique and Interesting Incidents

Miracles and Mysteries of Bhagwan Krishna
Miracles and Mysteries of Bhagwan Krishna

Lord Krishna, who is believed to be the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, performed numerous miracles in his life that revealed his divine nature. These miracles not only reflect his unique personality but also teach us important lessons of dharma, morality and love. Let us take a look at some of the major miracles of Lord Krishna in an interesting way:

1. Killing Putana:

After the birth of Balkrishna, Kansa sent the demoness Putana to kill him. Putana disguised herself as a beautiful woman and tried to feed Krishna milk in which she had mixed poison. But, Krishna sucked out Putana's life force while drinking her milk and killed her. This incident made it clear that Krishna was not an ordinary child but was endowed with divine power.

2. Lifting Govardhan Parvat:

In Gokul, to escape the wrath of Lord Indra, Krishna lifted the Govardhan Parvat on his little finger and protected the entire village from torrential rain for seven days. This miracle was a symbol of His divine power and love, by which He kept all the villagers safe.

3. Suppression of Kaliya Naag:

A poisonous snake named Kaliya lived in the Yamuna river, which had poisoned the water. Shri Krishna defeated the snake with His leela and forced it to leave the river. This miracle purified the Yamuna river again and freed the villagers from fear.

4. Leela of stealing butter:

During his childhood, Shri Krishna used to perform leela of stealing butter with his mother Yashoda. One day, Yashoda caught Krishna stealing butter and tried to see the butter in his mouth. But, when he opened his mouth, Yashoda saw the entire universe in it. This miracle made Yashoda realize the divinity of Shri Krishna.

5. Disrobing Draupadi:

During the Mahabharata, during the attempt to disrobe Draupadi, she called out to Lord Krishna. To protect her, Krishna miraculously extended her sari infinitely, thereby securing Draupadi's honour. This incident is an example of His unparalleled power and His true love for His devotees.

6. Darshan of Virat Roop to Arjuna:

During the Kurukshetra war, when Arjuna refused to fight the war due to confusion between Dharma and Adharma, Shri Krishna showed him His Virat Roop. In this form, Arjuna saw the entire universe contained within Krishna. This miracle shows the omnipresent and omnipotent nature of Shri Krishna.

7. Bringing back Sandipani Muni's Dead son:

Sri Krishna and Balram received education from their guru Sandipani Muni. As Gurudakshina, they pledged to bring back the sage's dead son from Yamaloka. They communicated with Yamraj and revived the sage's son and handed him over to their guru. This miracle presented a unique example of their guru bhakti and power.

8. Miracles at Duryodhana’s Banquet:

Before the war of Mahabharata, Duryodhana invited Shri Krishna to a special banquet. Shri Krishna refused to eat the food and went to eat at his simple friend Vidur’s house. At Duryodhana’s banquet, he made everyone invisible with his divine leela, which made Duryodhana realize that Krishna cannot be influenced by illusion and pretense.

Miracles of Lord Krishna: Unique and Interesting Incidents

The miracles of Lord Krishna are a symbol of His divinity, power, and love. He gave the message of Dharma, justice, and devotion through His miracles. These incidents of His life teach us that we can overcome any obstacle by following the path of true love, devotion, and Dharma. The miracles of Shri Krishna inspire us even today and motivate us to sing His glories.


Lord Krishna's Childhood: A Wonderful Life Full of Leelas

Lord Krishna's childhood was full of Leelas and miracles. His childhood stories still delight us and teach us important lessons of life. Let's take a look at some of the major events of his childhood in an interesting way:

God Krishna's Childhood Leelas
God Krishna's Childhood Leelas

1. The Wonderful World of Bal Leelas:

Shri Krishna was born in the prison of Mathura, but his childhood was spent in Gokul and Vrindavan. Yashoda and Nand Baba raised him as their son. His Bal Leelas are famous in the streets of Gokul and Vrindavan. He used to play with his friends, steal butter and have fun with the gopis.

2. Makhanchor Krishna:

Shri Krishna is also known as 'Makhanchor'. He often used to go from house to house with his friends and steal butter. The gopis used to keep the butter at high places to catch him, but everything went in vain in front of the cleverness of Shri Krishna and his friends. This Bal Leela of his still delights us and teaches us the importance of simplicity and happiness in life.

3. Killing of Putana:

After Krishna was born, Kansa sent the demoness Putana to kill him. Putana disguised herself as a beautiful woman and tried to kill Krishna with poisonous milk. But, Krishna sucked out her life force while drinking the milk and killed her. This incident made it clear that Shri Krishna is a divine child.

4. Suppression of Kaliya Naag:

The poisonous Kaliya Naag living in the Yamuna river had troubled the villagers. One day, Balkrishna jumped into the river and defeated Kaliya Naag. He danced on its hood and forced it to leave the river. This miracle freed the villagers from fear and proved the amazing power of Shri Krishna.

5. Lifting of Govardhan Parvat:

In Gokul, to escape the wrath of Lord Indra, Shri Krishna lifted the Govardhan Parvat on his little finger and protected the entire village from torrential rain for seven days. This miracle was a symbol of his divine power and love, by which he kept all the villagers safe.

6. Matki breaking festival:

Remembering the leela of Shri Krishna stealing butter, even today 'Dahi Handi' is organized on the occasion of Janmashtami across the country. In this, people hang a pot at a height and young men and women try to break it together. This festival reminds of the childhood of Shri Krishna and teaches the importance of fun and enthusiasm in life.

7. Raasleela with Gopis:

Shri Krishna's Raasleela with Gopis is a wonderful event. He used to attract the Gopis with the sweet tune of his flute and dance with them. In Raasleela, there was a unique combination of love and devotion of Shri Krishna and Gopis. This leela showed the importance of devotion and love.

8. Playing with calves and friends:

Shri Krishna's childhood was spent playing with his friends and calves. He used to graze calves with his friends and play various games. During these games, he performed many miracles, such as killing demons like Bakasur and Aghasur. These events earned him unparalleled popularity among friends and villagers.

Lord Krishna's Childhood: A Wonderful Life Full of Leelas

Lord Krishna's childhood was full of leelas and miracles. His childhood stories not only delight us but also teach us important lessons of life. The message of living with simplicity, love, devotion and courage is contained in the childhood leelas of Krishna. These incidents of his wonderful childhood inspire us and make us realize his divine nature.

Qualities and Mysteries of Lord Krishna: A Divine Introduction to the Amazing Personality

Lord Krishna, who is worshipped in Hinduism as the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is full of many qualities and mysteries. His life and personality are so mysterious and impressive that understanding it is a unique experience. Let us know his qualities and mysteries in an interesting way:

Qualities of Bhagwan Krishna
Qualities of Bhagwan Krishna

1. Love and Compassion:

Lord Krishna's love and compassion is infinite. He showed immense love and kindness towards every creature in his life. Whether it is Raasleela with the Gopis or the preaching of the Gita to Arjun, Shri Krishna's love is reflected in every relationship. His most prominent love was for Radha, who is a symbol of infinite love and devotion for the devotees.

2. Child Leela and Miracles:

Krishna's childhood Leelas are very interesting and miraculous. Makhan Chori, Putana Vadh, suppression of Kaliya Nag, and lifting the Govardhan mountain are indicative of his unique powers and miracles. In these Leelas, Shri Krishna performed extraordinary acts even though he was a child, which are a symbol of his divinity.

3. Unique Warrior:

In the war of Mahabharata, Shri Krishna assisted Arjuna as his charioteer. He led the Pandavas to victory with his skillful strategy and unique warrior skills. His leadership and war skills proved that he was not only a great yogi but also a unique warrior.

4. Preaching of Gita:

Lord Krishna preached the Gita to Arjuna on the battlefield of Mahabharata. This preaching guides every aspect of life. Giving the message of karma, devotion, and knowledge, he explained to Arjun the difference between dharma and adharma. This preaching of Gita is still guiding life.

5. Friendship and affection:

Friendship had a special place in the life of Shri Krishna. His friendship with his friend Sudama is a unique example. When Sudama, suffering from hardships, asked Krishna for help, Krishna gave him respect and prosperity like a king. This is a symbol of his friendship and affection.

6. Unique Politician:

Krishna was also a skilled politician. In the war of Mahabharata, he defeated the Kauravas with his policy and skill. He took every step necessary to establish Dharma, no matter how difficult it was. His strategies proved that he was a great politician.

7. Music and Dance:

Lord Krishna's flute melody fascinated everyone. The sweet sound of his flute attracted the Gopis and delighted the entire Braj Mandal. His Raasleela and dance presented a unique example of love and devotion. His music and dance made his divinity even more impressive.

8. Spiritual Guru:

Sri Krishna was not only a deity but also a great spiritual guru. He showed the right path of life to many people with his sermons and teachings. His knowledge and philosophy are unique in the field of spirituality even today.

9. Omnipresence and Omnipotence:

Sri Krishna demonstrated his omnipresence and omnipotence on many occasions in his life. The vision of the Virat Roop, in which Arjuna saw the entire universe within Him, is a prime example of His omnipresence. This proves that He is the creator of the entire creation.

10. Establishment of true Dharma:

The life of Shri Krishna is a symbol of the establishment of Dharma and destruction of Adharma. He followed Dharma in every situation and also inspired others to follow the path of Dharma. His teachings proved that truth and Dharma always win.

Qualities and Mysteries of Lord Krishna: A Divine Introduction to the Amazing Personality:

The qualities and secrets of Lord Krishna reveal His amazing and divine personality. His life is a unique amalgamation of love, compassion, knowledge, and power. His qualities and secrets inspire us to follow the path of truth, Dharma, and love in life. Studying the unique personality of Shri Krishna leads us to spiritual advancement and teaches us important lessons of life.

Lord Krishna's Golok Dham: Mysterious and Divine Lok

Lord Krishna's Golok Dham is considered a mysterious and divine place in Hinduism. It is the eternal abode of Lord Krishna, where he lives happily with his gopis and devotees for eternity. Golok Dham is described in the Puranas and religious texts with many mysteries and amazing events. Let us know these mysteries of Golok Dham in an interesting way:

Krishna's Golok Dham
Krishna's Golok Dham

1. Divine place:

Golok Dham is considered to be an eternal and unchanging lok. This place is situated at the top of all the loks of the universe and is said to be the abode of Lord Krishna. There is no bond of time here and this place exists for eternity. The divinity and eternity of Golok Dham makes it special from all other loks.

2. Nandanvan:

Golok Dham has many beautiful gardens and forests, known as Nandanvan. These gardens are full of fragrant flowers, lush green grass and enchanting trees. In these gardens, Lord Krishna and Radha Rani perform Raasleela with their devotees. The beauty and peace of Nandanvan makes the devotees experience unique joy.

3. Center of Raasleela:

Raasleela has special significance in Golok Dham. Here Lord Krishna performs Raasleela with his gopis, which is a unique confluence of love, devotion and joy. In Raasleela, the entire Golok Dham reverberates with the melodious sound of Shri Krishna's flute. This leela is a symbol of infinite love and devotion for the devotees.

4. Infinite Bliss:

Golok Dham is called the place of infinite bliss. Here Lord Krishna remains blissful with his devotees for eternity. There is no sorrow, suffering or pain for the residents here. They all remain immersed in the love and devotion of Lord Krishna and experience bliss for eternity.

5. Divine Gopis:

Lord Krishna's divine gopis also reside in Golok Dham. These gopis are filled with immense love and devotion towards Krishna. Radha Rani, who is the most beloved of Sri Krishna, also resides in Golok Dham. The love and devotion of these gopis towards Lord Krishna is unique and unparalleled.

6. Eternal Form:

The form of Lord Krishna in Golok Dham is eternal and unchanging. He is always young, beautiful and blissful. It is impossible to describe His divine form, as it is filled with so much beauty and charm that it is difficult to put it into words.

7. Supreme Place of Love and Devotion:

Golok Dham is the supreme place of love and devotion. Every being here is filled with infinite love and devotion towards Lord Krishna. Every activity and event here is inspired by the love and devotion of the Lord. This place teaches the devotees what true love and devotion is.

8. Mystical and supernatural experience:

Entering Golok Dham is a mystical and supernatural experience. The residents here experience closeness with Lord Krishna and spend time with Him. Every event and experience here is unique and supernatural, which makes the devotees realize the glory and divinity of God.

Lord Krishna's Golok Dham: Mysterious and Divine Lok

Golok Dham of Lord Krishna is a unique, mysterious and divine place. Every corner here is filled with love, devotion and bliss. By knowing the secrets of Golok Dham, we experience the glory of Lord Krishna, his love and devotion. This place teaches us what true love and devotion is and how we can dedicate our lives to God. Studying Golok Dham and knowing its secrets leads us to spiritual advancement and teaches us important lessons of life.

By ArtsTimes


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